Saturday, December 18, 2010

Snow day

The Isle of Man is gently lapped by the Gulf stream and enjoys mild winters. I was told this just before I moved here 20 years ago. So either the Gulf stream has moved or the Island has. The Arctic has arrived on the shores of Mannanan's Sacred Isle. The kids are all building snowmen and the grown-ups are all crashing cars. DON"T GO OUT said the Police but everyone does!

Right, let's get this sorted. If you don't have to drive, then don't!!!  Nuff said!

The social life has hit a block, but salvation in the guise of drinks around at my son's tonight has arrived.  Cath is wondering what to wear and I'm wondering whether to get drunk or not.

Roll on new Year's Eve when I can stop working for M&S and have a rest.

If anyone reads this please follow it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How do you do it?

I thought to myself as I sat by the old keill ruins near Spooyt Vane "If someone wrote a story about all the people who have walked down this path, it would be a grand tale."
So I did.
But even though I've sweated blood and sat up at nights extricating people from situations of fear, danger and sorrow and people have said, "Cor! That's a cracking read." (or words to that effect), no-one wants to publish it.
Various reasons have been given such as "Who wants to read about the Isle of Man?" and "Maybe if you switched the location to London...?" but I still think the story of the Isle of Man seen through the eyes of various characters throughout history is a worthy tale.
All the protagonists and antagonists are fictitious, only the real are real (if you see what I mean?)
Anyway, if anyone is interested I may publish the first part on this blog a chapter at a time.  Worked for Dickens!